A review by arirose
Rainbow Revolutionaries: Fifty LGBTQ+ People Who Made History by Sarah Prager

Hmmm, I'm neutral about this one. Each biography was alright but felt a bit off. I realized about halfway it was because they felt like high school essays, only just edited enough to meet at least a decent grade. A few seemed too short, like the author didn't find enough info on the person so either padded it or left the page a bit early.

And, for a while, I worried that the queerness was just being thrown in, instead of naturally integrated into their biographies. Almost like "oh yea, and he was gay!" About halfway, somewhere in the M's, I did start to notice more essays that mentioned the person's queerness much more organicslly. So there must have been more before that that I didn't notice before. 

The art was nice. Not my preferred style, but I've got nothing against it. The cover is beautiful.

Overall, I rate this a big OK.