A review by jennrobyn
If You Want to Make God Laugh by Bianca Marais


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5: If I could give this book a million stars I would!!

This books was a lot of different things to me. And perhaps that has to do with where I am in life or perhaps it’s the way it was meant to be read. Either way, it resonated with me and will stick with me long after this review is posted and long after I’ve read many more books.⁣

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans” - Most humans will have a notion of how they want their life to be. Maybe some of us have more than a notion. Maybe we have a stuck in the mud, carved in stone, written in the stars plot, idea and plan that we fully intend to bring to fruition. But life is so much bigger than we can even fathom, and it has the uncanny ability to throw curve balls that make us duck, dodge and sometimes fall flat on our face and then get back up and go “crap I lost my path, this wasn’t what was supposed to happen”. And it is these moments that test us and our character. How are we going to roll with it? How are we going to adapt and react? It’s our adaptation and our reaction that make our character, and ultimately I believe, lead us to the places we are supposed to be, regardless of the plan we had for ourselves.⁣

This book stirred in me a thoughtful conversation with myself about my faith, and how I have felt disconnected for a long time. Although, the book wasn’t necessarily a study in religion, it did make me meditate on how, as believers in whatever we believe in, we have to let go and let be. I was reminded that I cannot control all the things. I need to leave that up to higher powers and bigger planners. I’m too little to control and manipulate so much in the little time I have.⁣

This book also opened my eyes to the fact that many of us may feel like we will never be destined for anything other than what came before us. And sitting in that mindset will most certainly stall us on our journey into an amazing future, albeit one we might not have planned. And that it is important to grab onto any tiny spark we may see, no matter how fleeting, because that could be the spark that lights our new path and the plan we are to be a part of.⁣

I could speak to each individual character in the book but I would be here for days. But I will say that each person was so beautiful, and each of their layers were so necessary and so flawed but in the best of ways. For it was their flaws that gave them their biggest strengths and their most endearing qualities, to me. Each person taught me something and has left an impression on me.⁣

I have not read a book this moving in long, long time. And I thank Mrs. Bianca Marais, for sharing this gorgeous journey with us readers!!! I hope you all love it as much as I did!