A review by thekingcrusoe
The Lesser Devil and Other Stories by Christopher Ruocchio


Ngl, there's a tiny part of me that wants to bump this DOWN to 4 stars instead of 5 like I originally rated TLD and Tales Volume 1 the first goes around...

...but I'm also like 98% sure that that feeling is a result of how exhausted I am from proofreading this thing. By far the messiest of the material throughout the series (the original copy editor/s did frankly a terrible job), so my brain is freaking tired after this, especially when grouped with QAA AND TDoE&OS, both from the past 2 months as well, AND AND Howling Dark a little earlier this Autumn, AND AND AND my being the original copy editor for Tales 3 this summer.

Needless to say, I'm tired, so while I still greatly enjoyed the material, I'm sufferings a tad bit of burnout right now, and so am pushing off Tales 2 until January, leading up to the release of Disquiet Gods's e-ARC sale, which I'm super excited for.

For now, I'm taking a short break from these Sun Eater re-reads to freshen myself up a bit lol.

If you want to know my thoughts on The Lesser Devil and/or Tales Volume 1 directly, I do have reviews for both of them on here somewhere, in their individual editions, and a combined review of THIS collection on YouTube somewhere too.

Anyway, I'm tired. Good night XD