A review by deadgoodbookreviews
Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy by Fonda Lee


Full review up on my blog: https://chaininteraction.wordpress.com/2018/01/11/where-the-stars-rise-arc-book-review/

I’m always trying to read more diverse books. It’s no secret that I fail at this a lot. I am by no means an example of how to read diversely. I’m too easily caught up in the latest hyped up book to really focus my reading. It’s something I’m hoping to improve as 2018 goes on. But this anthology is an excellent example of why we need diverse books. The stories told in this compilation draw from themes and references that I couldn’t hope to have come in contact with in my Euro-centric lifestyle. It creates something vastly different from anything I have read before and almost all of these stories are pure excellence.

As with any anthology there are some that are better than others. There’s one that involves spider babies that most definitely set of my arachnophobia (which doesn’t make it a bad story it just left me feeling itchy all over). You only have to read the summary to see that this is a book utterly full of imagination and creativity. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting a set of short stories. There’s the added bonus that some of the proceeds from sales will go to charity!

My rating: 4/5 stars

I received a digital advanced review copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.