A review by eesh25
The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett


4.25 Stars

I've heard many great things about Terry Pratchett. And I've seen suggestions about where to start reading the Discworld series. But, me being stubborn, I wanted to go with publication order. And I'm glad it wasn't a mistake. I mean, I'm sure there are better options to start with (Guards! Guards! is the most popular). But I didn't dislike this book by any stretch.

Discworld, for those who don't know, is a 41-book series with subseries about different characters who, from what I know, show up in each other's books as well. Rincewind, the protagonist of this book and a few others, is an incompetent wizard. He encounters a naive but extremely wealthy tourist named Twoflower and ends up with the responsibility of keeping him alive. We follow Rincewind, Twoflower and Twoflower's magical luggage on their journey across several parts of Discworld.

To start with, Discworld is just such a ridiculous concept (in the best way). The world is very deliberate about not making sense. It's also a disc on the shoulders of four giant elephants, who sit on the back of a massive turtle travelling through space. And that's just the beginning.

This book was fun from start to finish. I enjoyed all the ridiculous parts of the world, despite some being downright trippy. I loved Pratchett's sense of humour. And even though I didn't think it would happen, I really liked Rincewind. Twoflower, too, if not as much. Twoflower's naivety was as frustrating to me as it was to Rincewind. But knowing that it came from a place of genuine desire for adventure and experience made it easier to deal with. Still, it took me forever to get used to him.

One thing I wanna mention, the book is divided into four parts. Each of the parts feels like its own story, like a novella. The main characters are the same, and the events take place one after the other, but they feel like four separate arcs instead of the one you'd expect from a novel. This wasn't bad, though, since one part flowed easily into the next. It was actually kinda cool.

Overall, I liked the world-building, the characters and the stories. I loved how creative and fun the book was. And I'm very excited to know more about this world. It's a good thing I have 40 more books, right?