A review by muzzystbrigid
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie


The best descriptor of this book would be a shower of ice cold tears onto those unfamiliar with reservation life. Alexie paints a rather bleak picture of what goes on in the Spokane Indian Reservation through the perspective of many a story throughout the book.

Common themes are centered around defense mechanisms like humor and alcoholism which are employed to deal with the pain of generational trauma. Along with this, concepts such as being torn between the ways of his ancestors and how the world expects him to live are pervasive throughout.

Sherman Alexie navigates these tough topics with the guise of a distinct and beautiful prose that clearly contrasts the way things should be and the reality of his life.

A perfect summation of this would be, “Books and beer are the best and worse offense.”