A review by buuboobaby
Kiss the Bride by Jody Wallace


4 stars

Quick, fun read. Friends to lovers trope, one of my favorites, though these friends are little slow to the finish line. Heck did try my patience near the end because he is a self-righteous prig. And he thought Dan was a dickwad. Jeez!

full review


I have come to really like Entangled’s Ever After line. There are times when I want a shorter read, and after reading many titles from this imprint, it’s become one of my favorites. Kiss the Bride is a little longer than some of the other offerings in the Ever After line-up, clocking in at a little over 140 pages. This was a fun read, too, with the perspective mainly told from Heck’s eyes. Heck can be a self-righteous snot, especially near the end of the story, but he is an entertaining character, and his point of view kept me turning the pages. How he did not realize he was in love with his best buddy is a bit beyond me, but I guess realizing that Caro was the woman for him late was better than never. Thirty-four years late, but who beside Caro is keeping track of that anyway?

Heck has been best friends with Caro for his entire life. When she agrees to marry Dan, her boyfriend for the last three years, he’s lassoed into being the maid of honor. He thinks Dan is a pencil neck, and wants to kick his ass more often than not, but agrees to help Caro with her wedding. He is leery that she and Dan are rushing the ceremony, and wonders why Dan is never around. He hasn’t lifted one finger to assist with the wedding arrangements, but as long as Caroline is happy, Heck’s not going to say anything. Much.

For her part, Caroline has only agreed to marry Dan to get on with her life. She’s been in love with Heck for years, but he sees her as a sister. He’s not physically attracted to her, and for fear of ruining their friendship, Caro stays silent about her feelings for him. She’s not going to jeopardize their relationship by spilling her guts to him. What she does want, though, is a family, and after going out with Dan for years, she decides that, while he’s not Heck, he will have to do. Her clock is ticking away, and she doesn’t have time to waste on a guy who doesn’t even realize that she’s a girl. She likes Dan well enough, and they have similar goals in life, so they should have a comfortable married life, if nothing else.

When Heck is helping Caro pick out dresses for the wedding, he suddenly realizes that she possesses a pair of ta-tas. A large pair of ta-tas at that. Suddenly, he can’t stop thinking about what’s under her dress. He keeps having very un-friend like thoughts about her. He is consumed with thoughts of getting her naked. Uh-oh. He can’t be having thoughts like this, not when Caro is getting married on Saturday! To the pinhead.

I think I what enjoyed most about this story is the compressed time-line. It starts at the dress shop, where Heck has his big revelation about Caro’s boobs, jumps to the bachelorette party he’s planned on Friday night, and wraps up on Saturday, the wedding day. This is a romance on Red Bull. It’s quick, it’s funny, and it’s a diverting read. Both Heck and Caro have trust issues, and while it’s sad that they don’t trust each other, they eventually find the courage to admit their feelings. It’s almost too late for both of them by the time they do, and I was pretty disappointed with Heck at first, but his run in with the law convinced me that his feelings were real. If you’ve got some free time, sitting down with Kiss the Bride would be an entertaining use of your time.

Grade: B