A review by merricatct
Horseshoe Crabs and Velvet Worms: The Story of the Animals and Plants That Time Has Left Behind by Richard Fortey


Three stars for my personal opinion, four stars for the content and writing.

This is a case of me deliberately reading something out of my comfort zone, something that I knew I'd have to work through, as an effort to branch out and expand my horizons. I'm not a science person; I'm a history person. Secretly, I was hoping this would be more of a "history of scientific stuff" kind of book, but it was a "science book about species from ancient history". The author's tone was pleasant, and downright funny in areas. I certainly learned a lot! And if you're a science person, I'd definitely recommend it. I didn't love it, but I also don't love exercise or remembering to take vitamins or other things that are good for me.

2016 reading challenge: a nonfiction book about science