A review by liamliayaum
The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris


The Other Black Girl is the story of Nella, an assistant to an editor at Wagner Books with hopes of making it to editor. Her frustration grows daily from her dream being chipped away and dealing with the realities of being the only Black person in the upper echelon of the company. When Hazel-May joins the team, Nella is thrilled to finally have another Black person to navigate the dicey professional waters with. But when Nella's work environment keeps spiraling downward, she's struggling to not put the blame on Hazel.

While race and intersections with the workplace are the heart of this novel, the more pressing theme is identity, specifically of Black women and what they have to give up to survive. Hair also plays a central part of the story and is interwoven in a way that allows white people to learn and Black people to feel at home.

The novel is told from a hand full of view points and just when you think you know what's happening, Harris turns the world upside down. Enticing, mysterious, and horrific, this genre-bending debut novel will keep you on edge to the end. For all its solemnity, there are still moments of lightness. Be ready to feel uncomfortable and question your bias. And for an ending that might make you want to hurl the book at a wall in desperation for more.