A review by chessakat
The Baker Street Peculiars by Roger Langridge, Andy Hirsch

Did not finish book.
I have to DNF this at the half-way point. I do not DNF often - usually once or twice a year - just for context.

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This sounded really cute and looked promising, but unfortunately it's unreadable. I received an e-galley, and no matter how I oriented my iPad, I found the text to be so frustratingly hard to decipher (sometimes so tiny, bad resolution, font where letters bleed together) that I just have to give up. Even zooming in my screen was no help - the resolution was so grainy that it was still hard to make out.

If the story or art had been outstanding I might have been willing to struggle through the terrible text, but neither of those is true.

If I had to assign a star rating for the two issues I read, it would be 2 stars. I found the dialogue kind of aggravating and the plot just meh.