A review by hm08
Crazy by Adriana Locke


I'm happy to say that I'm pleasantly surprised by Peck's story! We were introduced to Peck in the first book in this series, [b:Crank|36566743|Crank (The Gibson Boys #1)|Adriana Locke|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1510269271l/36566743._SY75_.jpg|57423105] where he was portrayed to be a shameless flirt and playboy with an obsession with Molly, the "town skank". But in this story, we got to see a whole new side to both Peck and Molly, which shows us how there's more to a person beyond their surface. Dylan was lovely too - I loved her self-aware she was and her open nature despite her family issues.

The open communication between the couple was a breathe of fresh air (I'm looking at you Machlan and Hadley) and I appreciated how they respected one another.

Their meet-cute was really fun and their eventual transition to roomies felt surprisingly natural! I only wished the first four stories in this series were on this level. :')