A review by emiiandstuff
Hide by Kiersten White


Okay so it took me a while to figure out what my damage with this book is but I figured it out.

The premise is phenomenal, I immediately wanted to be invested in a group of strangers playing murder-go-seek in an abandoned amusement park. Instead what I got can be summed up as if a Disney adult wrote a short story with /every close friend they’ve had since high school/ as the main characters, with too many attempts to make the horror deeper than it is. Then, at some point, the plot got away from them and they tried to wrangle it up in the final act only to get lost in trying to justify the mess that happened chapters earlier.

At its surface even the writing just falls too flat and jumbled to be cohesive- too many characters, too many things happening at once, everything listed in the other reviews- but beyond that I pushed through to the ending because I desperately had to know where it was going.

You know where it went? Spoiler free?

Kinda nowhere.

Colossal swing for a huge miss.