A review by littleredbird
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams

Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
I officially DNFed it today august 17th thou I’m pretty sure I stopped reading on I want to say Saturday or Sunday I guess. 
I was listening to it on audiobook and I got to chapter 13 out of 35 ( 2 hrs 51 min left on 2x speed )
Maybe someday I’ll finish this book but not today lol 
I just got really annoyed with the FMC specially and the guy was alright but even he started to annoy me thou way less than the FMC. Also pretty sure the audiobook was in part If not for the most part the reason why I got so annoyed with the characters specially Bree like I said before thou maybe I would have been just as annoyed reading it but idk. The point is I was infuriatingly annoyed and I wanted to slap someone and miscommunication will forever be my LEAST fav trope and will forever be my villain origin story so yeah! Also I did read a quote from the book on an edit and I though the quote was cute and it made me think that maybe I would’ve come to love these 2 together but oh well I guess i will never know for now or maybe never cause we didn’t get there cause umm my sanity and patience couldn’t take it anymore so … anyways I think that’s all 👍🏻 Also I usually carry on my anger towards books I don’t like and DNFed days after but I’m not feeling really passionate about this one tbh. I’m just like meh I’m done thou obviously I was before I DNFed but after hmm not so much a bit bothered maybe but nah