A review by wishwasher12
Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun


2.5 stars. The first few chapters were slow in their description of Kali's world, but it was understandable since the author was setting the scene. However, most of the way the world was described went over my head and I'd have to constantly refer back to the descriptions to keep up with the story. The characters were memorable enough, though through the end of the book I wanted to claw my eyeballs out at Kali's "noble" stupidity and ignorance, basically covering her ears and going La La La (but replace La with the Phoenix) when facts were laid in front of her. She constantly and almost desperately clung to the idea that her people would [i] never [/i] harm anyone (but I guess it makes sense, since she'd being introduced to this wild, new concept and having to process it in a short amount of time).

Kudos to the author for not making an instalove or dragging out Kali's love into some petty dispute. It was a subplot that added to the story, not made the main focus. Still, the romance wasn't very good at locking the reader in.

The book also had nice pacing for the plot and how the author was able to fit everything into a fairly decent amount of pages. It didn't leave me hungry for more, though; the story felt resolved with a bit of hope, which can be seen as a good thing.