A review by heykaren23
Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny by Marlo Thomas


As summer turns to fall, find a moment to read this book. By turns it is wickedly funny, charming, AND heartbreaking. But for me, it was a warm fuzzy. Here is a strong, independent, vocal woman who keeps her identity within a strong marriage, has strong family ties and gives back to the community AND the world. Oh, if there were more role models and mentors like Marlo Thomas. I never missed an episode of "That Girl" when I was a kid because I SO identified with her. I knew there was MORE out there than marriage and being humbled by a MAN on a daily basis.

In this book, she identifies herself as a human filled with light and love and compassion. She is guided by her own internal compass not someone else's idea of what direction she should be going. And she keeps it all afloat in a sea of laughter and love and good friends and family. I admire her. Very much so. Marlo is one of those people I would invite to a dinner where I could invite anyone at all. How wonderful wonderful she is.