A review by axmariex
The Quarry Girls by Jess Lourey


A horrifying story that feels too true to be fiction- fair since the book is based on a series of murders in the 70s and 80s. After stumbling too far into a mess of kidnappings, death, drugs, child predators, and corruption, Heather sets off to uncover the truth that her small town is seemingly okay with covering up. One by one her friends go missing and later show up dead. The police are convinced it's a suicide pact but Heather knows something terrible has gone down.
With a slew of possible suspects, I was never certain of who I thought was the bad guy. The entire time I could feel the weight that our main character felt on her shoulders. Jess Lourey does a wonderful job of engulfing you with feelings and putting you right in the shoes of Heather. I felt every emotion, worry, fear, and devastation. I will be reading more of Lourey's work.