A review by cr4nkyp4nts
Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death by M.C. Beaton


Quick and fun read I found out about this book from the Daily Deal email I get from Audible. I read the blurb, saw the star rating was pretty good, and dropped my $2.95. 
I was pretty quickly engaged and found the various characters inhabiting the small village in the Cotswolds great fun to get to know. I laughed out loud several times and thought the pacing was very well done.
Who the murderer was isn't tough to figure out - and the author doesn't try to hide it very hard - but trying to figure out how it was done was the point of the case.
I can certainly see how the series could become addictive. The humor and the personalities of the residents alone make me want to read the next one right away.
The only thing that really pulled me out of the story is the way the POV style changed. For probably the first half of the book, we're getting Agatha's POV in a third person but that eventually changes to more of an omnipotent POV. First it's just Agatha, then it was Agatha and whomever was in the scene with her, and toward the end, characters not in a scene with her were featured. I found it distracting but it may not be something that other folks even recognize.
All in all, it was a fun read and I'm likely to eventually read the next in the series. And try to find the TV movie that was made based on The Quiche of Death.