A review by noveldeelights
Dead Souls by Angela Marsons


First of all, let me say I'm incredibly excited to be around for this on publication day after having caught up on the series in the previous weeks! (edit : well, I was until Wordpress decided to throw a temper tantrum and not post my scheduled review yesterday. I'm shaking my fist in anger!)

I'm not sure I can find the words to describe how this book made me feel. It left me reeling, feeling angry and sad at the despicable way some people are treated.

Dead Souls, the sixth book in the Detective Kim Stone series, is on a different level than the previous ones. While the pace is a tad slower until the final chapters, there's a depth to it that had me gripped. So many revelations, so much heartache.

The book starts with the suicide of a teenaged boy, which has a profound effect on Stacy, for reasons you'll have to discover yourself. Somewhere in the middle of a field, Doctor A is on a routine archaeological dig with her students, when she discovers skeletal remains. It quickly becomes clear there is more than one victim. Who are they and what happened to them?

Angela Marsons is mixing things up a little bit this time as the team, and I thankyouverymuch, are pulled from their comfort zone. Kim is forced to work with Detective Travis on this case and boy, is she thrilled about that! Meanwhile her team must solve a case without her help. I admit this scenario had me worried at the start and I was all set to start throwing things because I don't normally like it when a team I love is split up. But it actually worked. Watching the dynamics shift really held my attention. And as has been the case so far with the previous instalments as well, the reader learns so much more about the characters as secrets are revealed and questions are answered.

The case is a brutal one but since the blurb doesn't mention, I won't either. Suffice to say it's incredibly dark, gritty and disturbing with some sickening events that really got to me because it sadly sounds all too realistic.

Dead Souls is .... wait for it ... you know it's coming, don't you? ... the absolute best in the series yet! There. I said it again. If you love the Kim Stone series, you will undoubtedly love this one too! If you haven't been reading this series, you're missing out!

Many thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for my advanced copy which I chose to review.