A review by litwithleigh
Dead Woman Walking by Sharon Bolton


Writing: 4.5/5 | Plot: 4/5 | Ending: 3ish/5


Jessica Lane is the lone survivor of a freak hot balloon accident. Before crashing, she witnessed an attempted murder... and now he's after her to eliminate the final witness to his crime.


Ok ok ok OKKK!! This was my first by the author. I really wanted to the read [b:The Dark|59743277|The Dark (Lacey Flint, #5)|Sharon J. Bolton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1645966060l/59743277._SY75_.jpg|94088528] but unfortunately it's not available in my region on NG. So, while I wait for it to be released, I thought I'd dabble in her other works. I legit don't remember adding this to my TBR but here we are... Also I dead ass started and abandoned 3 books before sticking with this one. It was what I needed.

Writing? On point. Beautiful, well-structured sentences. Short chapters to keep you engaged and wanting more. I loved Jessica and Isabel's backstory. It's the first book I read that kinda delved into what it's like to be a nun, so I found that really interesting. Also, the nuns were hilarious in their own way. I liked how the author used sharp wit to "humanize" the nuns instead of going to stereotypical route of being religious freakazoids.

This book reads like a movie. Not your typical dude action movie, but like a classy netflix original LOL. There was continuous action and suspense based on a really unique premise. AND THAT TWIST ????? I was SHOOK. I mean... there were red herrings along the way, but I wasn't paying attention/they blended in perfectly (going with the latter lol).

The only part I didn't like was that last 10%. It got a lil too over the top (OTT) and threw in a bunch of unnecessary twists and turns. I think that one twist at 76% plus the culprit reveal was enough. I didn't need all that extra stuff and some of it just wasn't believable.

Anyways. I'm definitely going to read more of her work. It was a great read, unlike anything I've read this year.


Pros: Well-written, fast paced, great premise, shocking twist, layered and interesting characters

Cons: last 10% did too much

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