A review by lrconnol
Before the Big Bang: The Prehistory of Our Universe by Brian Clegg


If I had realized Before the Big Bang Theory was about the physics of astronomy (astrophysics) before I started it, I would not have started it. The very idea is daunting. However, Brian Clegg is a very accessible author. He brings hard concepts down to everyday language that can be understood by someone who does not have advanced degrees in physics or whatever. I did understand the concepts he was laying out and they even made sense. Not to say I didn't have to read some paragraphs more than once to let it sink in, but sink in it did. If you ever wondered where the universe started, this is the book to tackle. He doesn't exactly answer the question, because there is no one accepted answer, but he certainly lays out multiple alternatives as they are currently proposed, even if not universally accepted. You are left to ponder the question and deduce your own answer. The best kind of science book ... one that forces you to think!