A review by tani
Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh


Faith Nightstar is an F-Psy, a rare class of Psy that can foresee the future. Faith is personally worth billions of dollars to her family's business interests, and is one of the most powerful F-Psy alive. However, the price of that is isolation, and eventually, madness. Lately, Faith has begun to worry that madness might be her lot, sooner rather than later, as she's been having dark dreams of murder. However, when she learns that her sister has been murdered, she realizes that her dreams may have been foresight, and not madness at all. Disturbed, she decides to seek out answers the only place she can think of: the outside world.

Starting this book, I was a bit concerned that it was going to be too similar to the first book, especially since it followed the same pattern of a female Psy and a male Changeling. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed this one even more than the first book. A lot of this came down to Faith as a character. Unlike Sascha, the Silence has a deep hold on Faith, and so seeing her grow through that was very interesting to me. It also made it feel like Faith had a deeper sense of agency than Sascha. Sascha always felt a bit like she was being swept along by events, but Faith creates her own future, and I liked that a lot.

Vaughn was the male lead in this book, and though we'd met him a bit in the first book, I really enjoyed getting to know him. He's the lone jaguar in the Pack, and more importantly, he's very in touch with his jaguar, having spent some extended time as a child in jaguar form. That presents some unique challenges to both him and Faith, and I really enjoyed watching them navigate those. He's also a bit less obstinate about Lucas, which I appreciated.

I do think that the mystery in this one was a bit weaker, and felt a bit more tacked on, even though it was pivotal to Faith's motivations. However, it leads into a bunch of interesting world-building, so I can completely forgive that. We learn a lot more about the PsyNet in this one, and threads are laid that I'm sure will continue throughout the series. Also, we get a bit more in-depth on Psy society and the rifts therein, which is super important as well. I think that if you were on the fence about the first book, this one gives an even better indication of how this series is going to go. And I, for one, am very excited!