A review by bookwyrm_kate
The Third Kingdom by Terry Goodkind


Completely unrecognizable in comparison to Goodkind's earlier works. This is perhaps one of the most disappointing books I've ever read, especially because the Sword of Truth series got me through one of the worst times in my life, which I spent sleeping on the floor of a hospital waiting room for weeks...
There are so many problems that I don't know where to start... Certainly the most annoying is the constant repetition of the same information (nothing new, Goodkind has done this for several books now, but it's gotten worse) which is not only condescending to readers, but past the point of insulting. The dialogue is ridiculous; for instance two villains chat, as if over tea, for an entire chapter about why it's a good idea to kill the protagonist IMMEDIATELY but then amiably walk away without attempting said murder. People in life-threatening danger stop to discuss magical theory, children recount whole chapters worth of dialogue and names, seemingly without error or familiarity, and the most compelling heroine of the series spends the whole book as a damsel in distress...