A review by slc333
Marked by Sue Tingey


Interesting idea and story but the characters were so irritating I couldn't rate it higher. Everyone was so patronising towards Lucky. Always being 'amused' by her and her reactions in the Underland (even though she had never been there before, wasn't aware it existed etc) laughing at her, her two hot guards exchanging looks (usually amused) about her and never explaining basic stuff to her. It was fricking annoying. But what was worse was the way Lucky put up with it. So many of her conversations were like:

Lucky: I know you are not telling me something. You need to tell me.
Kayla: No. Just trust me.
Lucky No I insist you tell me.
Kayla: No you just have to trust me
Lucky Ok

Lucky: You have been keeping things from me. How can I trust you.
Jamie: Just trust me
Lucky; Ok

And the fact that she kept trusting these people even after they repeatedly lied to her was so annoying. I mean Kayla lied to her her whole life about who she was, and who Lucky was, failed to give Lucky any information after a freakin demon threatened her yet she kept blindly accepting whatever she said. And Jamie he lies about who he is, does some sort of magic/manipulation on her in the beginning so she will let him stay, freakin tricks her into the Underland with no intention of returning her home, never gives her any information yet she keeps trotting along behind him, trusting him just cause he says so. At least with Kayla she had a lifetime of experiences to overcome - she has known Jamie for a few days. She was a MORON.