A review by richardmtl
Lost Souls by David Mack


I wanted to read a book about the origins of the Borg. Well, I guess that's what I got, but I wish I had just read the "Cliff's Notes" on Memory Alpha instead. So often throughout this trilogy did I want to just give up and quit, but a strange sort of fascination kept me going: how many times would I read the terms "piping-hot" (twice within the space of a couple of paragraphs!) or "rebuked" or "cut and run"? Many, many times, among many other repeated terms. Even worse was the "attractive Eurasian facial features" or some variety of it, especially in this, the 3rd book. We get it, she's of a mixed European and Asian background, and she's attractive. We don't need to hear it every time there's a mention of her!

Also, as I said while reading [b:Mere Mortals|3926165|Mere Mortals (Star Trek Destiny #2)|David Mack|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1441463881s/3926165.jpg|3971684], I am seriously tired of the "endless series of new names and characters introduced, with random details that make me wonder if I should care about them or not (the answer is usually “no”)." I don't want to read another book like that. We don't need to know the name and background of every single person who does something! They can be "red-shirts" just like on TV; have them do their thing and/or get killed, and be done with it. It's very distracting to see all those names come up.

I guess this is more of a personal dislike, but I did not appreciate the mass destruction done by the Borg. 63 billion dead, so many worlds destroyed... It felt like overkill (pun not intended) to me.

I also thought that the way Sedín became essentially evil, completely different from what the Caeliar were, to be hard to believe. It seemed to me like too much of a drastic change in "personality." So I'm not satisfied with this origin story.

Lastly, the way the Borg were "converted".. it felt a bit too deus ex machina to me, *and* I don't understand why the billions of Borg weren't given the choice to rejoin their homes, instead of being essentially forced from one Collective to another.

Wow, I haven't written this long of a review in a long time, if ever! I guess I am just too disappointed and frustrated by the whole series. I may or may not read other Star Trek books in the future; if I do, though, I'll bail early if I get annoyed by it. Full disclosure: I started reading [b:Before Dishonor|558875|Before Dishonor (Star Trek - The Next Generation The Second Decade #4)|Peter David|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1348684151s/558875.jpg|546051], a book about Voyager and Seven of Nine, about a month ago, because of good reviews, but I ended up bailing on it after 10 or so pages. I just couldn't stomach how Janeway felt so different from her tv character. So, that's one more Star Trek book that I couldn't handle. I guess they're not made for me, or me for them!