A review by krejdar
Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr by John Crowley


Despite what some reviews claim, this IS a true Animal Fantasy. It is not a prophetic type (think Fire Bringer), it is not a high-fantasy type (think Redwall), but it is an Animal Fantasy at its true form.

To those who say "nothing happens" - I'm afraid you quite painfully missed the entire point of the book, and I pity you. Death happens. Death constantly happens and we are shown it from numerous views, religions and perspectives. We are 'shown' the after life - we are painted pictures of hell and are whispered what heaven could be like.... Death is the plot of this book.

This is a journey of Death.

This book made me think far too much - and too often - about Death, but that was entirely the point.

This was a very clever, well done story and a wonderful addition to the very limited Animal Fantasy Genre. Dar Oakley was a perfectly sculpted Animal lead, and his perspective, confusion, actions and alternate way of thinking were incredibly well done and believable for a Crow character.

My only true 'complaint' with this book is I personally feel the final chapter was not necessarily important, though others may disagree. I personally think the book could have ended just as well with the Coyote story. But, again, that might just be my preference for a more Animal centered ending.