A review by melmo2610
To Disguise the Truth by Jen Turano


Jen's done it again! Her books never DISAPPOINT and this one is spectacular. Between the characters Jen creates, the mystery angle in each story and the superb humor contained in every book, her books are always at the top of my reads list. Eunice and Arthur are fun characters and extremely likeable and along with the cast of secondary characters make for quite a fun story. I also really enjoyed the secondary mystery and the elements that brings to the story. The way the puzzle pieces of the mystery come together is fantastic and the ending is lovely. If you like historical fiction, fantastic humor, and a fun mystery, don't miss a Jen Turano novel!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and purchased an Audible copy for my listening pleasure. I was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.