A review by krisrid
The Hippopotamus Pool by Elizabeth Peters


It gets harder with each book in this series to find different ways to say how wonderful the story is. I never tire of the very humourous, extremely intelligent and quirkily wonderful Emerson family and their many adventures, and this book is no different!

Nefret is now an established member of the family, showing the same tendancy as Ramses for both archeological fervour and an intelligence and maturity well beyond her years, so she fits right in with the unusual Emerson family.

In this chapter, the Emersons are back in Egypt for what Emerson fervently hopes will be an uncomplicated, uneventful archeological excavation season.

But as is so often the case with the Emersons, a peaceful excavation is not to be! Beween the acquiring into the Emerson entourage of a youthful forger/thief who is related to the Emerson's loyal foreman Abdullah, several criminal persons lurking about and raising Amelia's dectectival instincts - and consequently Emerson's ire - a couple of kidnappings, and some odd goddess-worshippers, the Emerson family is once again off on a merry series of adventures.

The best thing about these books continues to be the verbal sparring between Emerson and Amelia and the fast pace and the absolutely delightful humour Elizabeth Peters imbues these characters' interactions with is just fantastic. For my money, the dialogue between Amelia and Emerson is some of THE best writing anywhere and I simply cannot get enough of both of them!

Note: I listen to these books in audio version and if you have any interest in audio books, the narrator Barbara Rosenblat is just sensational in her rendition of these characters. Every character has a unique voice in Rosenblat's capable hands, and the various accents and quirks of the people come across pitch perfect, and as though they are right in front of you.