A review by amicarlton
Alycat and the Sunday Scaries by Alysson Foti Bourque


The beautiful illustrations in this book carry a great message for you and your little ones.

Who hasn’t had a case of the “Sunday scaries” – that dread before the start of the week? Very few people, even if they love what they do with their time, want to do it one hundred percent of the time.

The author and illustrator have worked together to create a beautiful story to help your child overcome the Sunday scaries by reminding them that there are good things to look forward to. To me, this is akin to the practice of “three things” or gratitude journaling, where you consider something good that happened in your day. The concept is that you can always find something. This is kind of like you can probably find something to look forward to in the week.

I’ll admit, even when asked by others on Instagram or similar, I’ve had a hard time answering the question of what are you looking forward to this week. So I definitely needed this reminder! Even worse I feel like my answers always have to do with other people like I’m looking forward to this thing about my daughter or husband. It really helps me evaluate where I am in life when I try to answer these questions. Sometimes, something as simple as a great kids’ book with a great message can open your eyes!

If you know a kid – or a kid at heart – who could use some help with the Sunday scaries or loves cats (like my kid) they’ll probably love this book.

Who’s It For?
This is an adorable book for kids, with a great message that can help people of all ages. The publishers have labeled it as appropriate for ages 4-8, and that seems correct. My 6 year enjoyed it, because she loves cats. She doesn’t totally get the Sunday scaries thing yet – she hasn’t fully got the days of the week thing down – but once she does I think this book will make total sense! The younger ones will love the cats and friendships, the older ones will love the rest of the message.