A review by carlylottsofbookz
Creatures of Forever by Christopher Pike


Gotta say, I wasn't expecting that ending (even if I've read these books before, it's been long enough for me to forget).

I am left feeling at the end a little mystified. Am I to believe it was all merely Seymore's imagination? A sick kid trying to find his way out of dying? A heroine who rescues him several times?

It makes me think back on all the adventures I feel I have had with Sita...suddenly erased.

And yet, looking back to those memories, she was never really happy. Ever. So many things caused her such pain. It is on this thought I realize her choice was the right one. To end the suffering before it even began.

As a whole: this series is one that I feel is fantastic. The lure of these books was so strong that I re-read them ten years later, and I made some of my students read them too.

Christopher Pike, I salute you.