A review by booksabrewin
Wrath by Coralee June


Juliet's boys are still at each other's throats. There was no comradery or mutual determination to make her happy. They were all competitive bastards who just wanted her for themselves. Or... in one special case, lost to their own madness so they felt they didn't deserve her as theirs entirely. Juliet's battle to not lose herself in the sea of testosterone riddled men bent on owning her is a losing battle. But it is only once she decides to sever ties and demand space that she starts to realize who she truly is. Her love for them had overshadowed who she was fundamentally and she was determined to not let that continue. Even if she lost them, she couldn't lose herself. One of her boys hurt her and abandoned her under some misguided thought that she was better off. But when part of your soul goes missing you will stop at nothing to return it where it rightfully belongs. Add to that her best friend turned would-be murderer returning demanding Juliet talk sense into her boys so they could help her out of a sticky situation and you have Wrath.

In these books it feels like any antagonist added to the plot line is secondary to the antagonists that the supposed PROTAGONISTS are supposed to be. It is non-stop bickering and sniping and possessiveness. Don't get me wrong, books with possessive men who are also willing to share with those they care about? Those are the types of books I want to be signed up for. But these men seem to be willing to share but at the same time wanting to manipulate Juliet into choosing one of them. If that just a momentary struggle in their new dynamic I could understand it but we are now two books in and it's STILL happening. It's just annoying at this point. Either man up and walk away because you can't handle her sharing or get your mind right with it. All they are doing is hurting the woman they supposedly love. Their romances are incredibly toxic and not by any standard something someone should measure a relationship by.

There were some redeeming merits. It was a lot better structured and the outside antagonist had a bit more flesh to it than Cora did in the first book. They were forced to work together which was new for them. Nick was calming down a bit which I loved to see. Anthony will always be my favorite little crazy pants but Nick, when he's chill, is a close second.

I do believe this book was better than the first minutely. It's enough that will keep me reading on in the series.