A review by effect
My Murder by Katie Williams


I loved the ending. More than any other possible endings, but I can understand how someone may not like this book. It was advertised or/and categorised as a murder mystery. It is, but just maybe not in the way that you'd think. It's different, and dare I say, different than the boring, predictable kinds. Honestly? It's better.
I think I'd really hate it if Silas were the murderer. Really. Do you know how many books there are in this world that has a murdered (or almost murdered) white woman with a loving husband, but it turns out that it's all simply a facade? That the husband is abusive, and a cheating loser? It's boring. It's predictable. I've seen enough of it in the news in this real word we live in. When they raised the suspicion that Silas may be the murderer, I groaned and wished that I didn't ever start this book. It would've been the worst twist. Ever.

That's what makes me love the ending more; aside from personal issues that makes me relate and feel strangely attached to the main character.... It's so unique and special. I don't care what anyone says. This book is really good.