A review by bookmothmav
We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal

Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
Look, I didn't really care all that much for "We Hunt the Flames". Which was unfortunate as a lot of readers I follow did enjoy it. But I just didn't connect with the story. After reading the first book I didn't feel like continuing, however, I knew that if I didn't jump back into the story I would forget everything and then the book would sit on my shelf for the rest of eternity. 

I got to about chapter four or five when I finally called it quits. It was the same feeling I got with the first book and I'm not going through that again for 500+ pages. My indifference to the characters is my main reason for putting this book down. I wished I would have enjoyed it like all the great reviews that I've seen, however, that didn't end up being my experience.