A review by asimilarkite
Everybody Sees the Ants by A.S. King


So I've been hearing buzz about A.S. King for years now (yes Tom, Dust of 100 Dogs is still on my list :)), and after hearing her speak at the YALSA Literature Symposium, I FINALLY took the plunge and read one of her books.

OK OK everyone, you're right, she's freaking great. This is one of those SUPER literary books that has the rare quality of actually having teen appeal. I feel like there are a lot of award winning teen books that are actually really adult books with a teen label, and that isn't true of this one.

King has managed to combine all of the following elements in this book into a powerful, deep coming of age story that teens will actually relate to, find funny and sad, and entertaining: Magical realism, flasbacks to the Vietnam War (or are they really flashbacks?), talking ants, complex love/friendship relationships, complex family relationships, jumping around in chronological order, bullying, culinary arts, lap-swimming, coming to terms with your family's past, and more more more.

There is just SO MUCH in this book. It is just begging to be used in a teen book club. Now I want to read everything you write, Ms. King.