A review by emmylux7
Saints: The Book of Blaise by Sean Lewis


Rating: 2.5

I won this book in a free Goodreads Giveaway for an honest opinion.

For the record, I'm an atheist, which factored greatly into my feelings & experience while reading. I'll fully admit to cringing through out the whole course of this book. Mostly because the antagonists depicted can be found in our everyday life & ugh why.

I will say that this is far different from anything I'd normally read. And although the concept was interesting, in my opinion it failed in execution. Although I did fly through it, in the end just didn't care. The story structure felt disjointed through out the story. I've also never experienced a climax of a book to feel both rushed & slow at the same time but this comic managed accomplished that. Which isn't saying much because the ending was nothing to be proud of. As for the characters, Blaise & Stephen were the only ones that stuck out to me, I guess. The rest were 1 dimensional & boring. Also what was w/ the part where they summon a demon dog thing?! That was all kinds of random & ridiculous. I will say that the art style did get better by the end but not by much.