A review by smartinez9
Unlovable by Sherry Gammon


DNF at 30%

Why do I do this? I could tell immediately that this was going to be infuriating. It’s heavy-handed and preachy, with stiff, unnatural language and senseless dialogue. What robot of a teenager has really said “It’s sad that so many of our senior citizens are ignored or shoved into rest homes unnecessarily. Many still have a lot to offer.” The sentiment is valid, but the wording is 100% PSA. Also, no one who has ever actually worked with children would call a group of thirty six-year-olds “angels.” Adorable, yes, but chaotic at best. On the subject of unrealistic things, aside from a fully adult man in law enforcement pretending to be a teenager in order to get closer to the seventeen-year-old girl he’s crushing on (yikes), what high school offers Mythology, Cooking, and Community Service as your main classes three times a week? Maybe going to an nyc public school without suburban myths like “home ec,” “wood-shop,” and having pools and sports fields has kept me out of the loop, but that seems like a fantasy.

Furthermore, I tend to believe that there are many different types of strength, and a heroine doesn’t have to be a trained assassin to be fierce (though I love those books too). Maggie, however, has absolutely no redeemable qualities—she’s painfully moronic and spineless, refusing to stand up for herself or use common sense in even the most basic situations, as well as being moralizing and childish. She behaves completely illogically—a child who has been supposedly making her own meals since the age of three should have at least some street-smarts, especially in a neighborhood where two young women have just been murdered???? And yet she walks around weak and half-starved with no phone and no weapons, sitting alone in a sketchy park at midnight and refusing an escort home. All of the danger was cartoonish and avoidable. After she went along with her douchebag of an ex-boyfriend proclaiming to the guy she liked that they were back together for absolutely NO REASON I could not continue on. After reading reviews that indicate she is one of those characters who decides to leave safety despite knowing she’s in mortal peril and has no way to defend herself, I feel justified in my disgust. All of this is not to mention the self-righteous slut-shaming and overall completely black-and-white, unrealistic depiction of sex, drugs, and alcohol.