A review by nellesnightstand
The Good Girl's Guide to Rakes by Eva Leigh


Tjank you to Avon and Edelweiss for an Advanced Review Copy

Don't you just love when a rake tries to use a good girl for his own means and then finds the tables are turned? If so you'll love this story. Captivating from beginning to end, the adventures they share together are fun, naughty and humorous.

With her families rise from poverty to wealth, Celeste is trapped into being the families reputation keeper.

But prim and proper she is not and Kiernan is shocked into seeing her for her true self. And wanting her all the more for it.

I absolutely adored Kiernan and his vulnerable side. We are never what others think us to be.

I admire the author for including queen love, abolition, Black characters not servants and emphasis on consent. It did feel at times like she was checking a box. I did struggle in the beginning to continue reading but the characters did eventually hook me.