A review by jnlybbert
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President - Updated and Expanded with New Essays by Bandy X. Lee


I like to believe that most rational thinking people can recognize that there is something not quite right about Donald Trump. However, he has been able to gain an extremely loyal, powerful, and quite ominous support base over the last 5 years.

I have struggled to understand the phenomenon of Trumpism and have honestly tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away if someone else would be elected in 2020. I have been really shaken up though by learning about QAnon, observing "Stop the Steal" movement and seeing the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Trump may be out of office, but Trumpism is very much alive and I find that to be quite scary.

I read this book hoping to gain some insight to how Trump has been able to wield so much power and influence over his supporters and it actually turned out to be very insightful. There is definitely a psychology to his appeal to his supporters, both on the side of his supporters and his own.

Trump has been able to take the fears, suspicions and beliefs of a very large group of people and use that to gain a tremendous amount of power. As he stated in his own words, he could stand on 5th Avenue, shoot someone and he wouldn't lose any voters. Is he a genius in how he's able to do this or is he just as crazy as his followers? I think this book does a great job at trying to answer this question.