A review by loverofromance
Take Me Home Tonight by Erika Kelly


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review Updated


Calix Bourbon has been with the band for close to a year, and even though on the surface most see him as a  free spirit, there is so much more to him than meeets the eye. Calix is trying to keep his fractured family together. Years previous, Calix had a younger brother who adored him the most. He was down syndrome, but so loving and trusting. On a special night for Calix's career with a signing company, they lost him due to a drug overdose when he wandered away. Calix and his family are still not recovered from that one night that almost killed their family. Now they are trying to keep going strong especially their mother, who lives life mostly in seclusion. Mimi has been cooking for the band for some time now, building a strong friendship with most of the members. She has a high respect for Blue Fire and all they do and the women they have teamed up with. But Mimi has a great opportunity, to show up for a cooking tournament show, one that could set her career on a roll. But she needs help to prove it, and Calix and his family are the ticket. As she begins cooking lessons with Calix and his mother, a strong bond forms between Calix and Mimi. Mimi is a fighter, and as the chemistry builds between herself and Calix, she will show Calix how to fight for the one you love.

The Hero

Calix Bourbon, grew up in a strong and loving family. Close to all of his siblings, but most especially his younger brother who had down syndrome. Calix has quite a bit of guilt and anger riding him hard. He blames himself to what has happened to his family, and has taken it on his shoulders, to repair the damage as much as he can. To get his family back to laughing and loving once more. Calix is a very talented musician and he connects with the band in a way no other ever has but still proves to be reluctant to sign on permanently with them. Calix was a hero that wasn't easy to like at times. He tended to be very rough around the edges, and he can go cold to hot in a moment. His character felt like a ping pong ball. But I did like him, he is definitely a challenge though but has many admirable qualities that shine in this story.

The Heroine

Mimi Romano is trying to prove herself to her father. She always wanted to show her father how talented she is, and that she is worthy to work for him. But her father is a hard man, and all he cares about is his money. Mimi's father was never really there for her growing up. But now after getting a degree, she wants to work for her father. She is hoping being on this cooking show, will prove her worth to him even if he doesn't support her in it. Mimi is driven to succeed in life, but she is also determined to not let her feelings get in the way. When she meets Calix, she knows he is trouble. She refuses to let her be another one night stand for him, and stands her ground on her expectations of an intimate relationship with him. But soon her heart becomes involved, and wants to help heal Calix and his family. I really liked this heroine, she has this great inner strength that I found admiring.

Plot and Story Line

In Take Me Home Tonight we have another great romance from Erika Kelly. In this story, we have the new member of the band. This was a story that I liked quite a bit, and was a bit different than the previous two books...in fact, it was very different. It had a whole new look at a romance, and there were many aspects of this story that I grew to love. The family of Calix is so amazing. I love the close bond this family has for each other and seeing how they try to help each other heal and get beyond the past. Calix has yet to finalize his plans with the band, because of trying to patch his family back together. He doesn't think he can afford to be away from them for too long. Calix is a bit of a bad boy, tends to have many one night stands, and keep his emotions locked away until he gets involved with Mimi. Mimi has a great way of getting emotional responses from Calix, she knows how to push his buttons and really push him in the ways he needs to go.
Let it go. That moment in time you can't take back. Let it go. There is no do-over. You can't fix it. But you're alive, and you're an amazing musician and the most loyal and devoted son and brother I've ever seen. So let it go. And LIVE, dammit. 

Calix tends to block out things he needs to un bury and reveal especially to himself but is letting the guilt overtake him in a very unhealthy way. What I liked about these two characters is seeing how well they fit together. They challenge each other, compliment each other, and make each other better in creative ways. I didn't always like the way Calix treats Mimi at times, and their relationship does have a certain level of Angst, but this romance is so well written and is quite unique from what I have read from this author. We have a hero that has to face up to who he is and fight for the woman that he loves and it isn't pretty seeing this transformation or going on his journey to healing fully. I am curious to see what Kelly pulls out of her hat with her next book.

The Cover

I like the colors in this cover, with the warm toned colors, love the keyboard lining the side vertically. It gives off the bad boy image that is Calix.

Overall View

Take Me Home Tonight is a creative and drama filled romance that takes you through tough dilemma's and finding a remarkable love that heals and strengthens. SIMPLY FANTASTIC!! 
"Spitfire," He gently tugged on her earlobe with his teeth. "I Love you, Amelia Romano. I love you because you're the strongest person I know. I love your spirit. We're a stubborn bunch of bastards, my family, and we don't let many people in, but you broke through. I love your passion. I need it. Because it matches mine and I shut mine down. But you brought it back out. You brought me out. And I'm not letting you go. 

Series Order (2)

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About The Author Updated

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