A review by l1brarygirl
Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World by Bill Nye


Though this book is a little dated now (first published in 2015), I found a lot of what Bill had to say is still very relevant. I wonder what he would say about this current adminstration's position on climate change and global warming.

I listened to the audio version, which is narrated by Bill Nye (the Science Guy!) himself. His enthusiasm certainly shines through. I did find myself a little bored through some of the more "science" based explanations but I was equally engaged by his passion for the subject in other areas of the book.

For those that are on the fence about climate change and the threat of global warming, Bill does a great job of providing facts that I hope would tip their minds into believing. It boggles my mind that there are some very vocal people in this world that continue to deny science and the facts.

This book also serves as a call to action and gives some very interesting solutions. I hope that someone in a better position than I am can take these ideas and make them a reality.