A review by shelbymarie32
The Delphi Effect by Rysa Walker


I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This one was hard to rate. I kept going between three and four stars. I really enjoyed it but I still know that it had its issues. but because of the fact that I really enjoyed it I have decided on four stars.

I've read from Rysa Walker before and have enjoyed everything I've read. But this book is by far my favorite of hers. The story is one that I love reading about and when it's done realistically it makes me love it even more. I don't see a lot of psychic type stories. Mostly kids with abilities similar to mental type of abilities that were written about in this book. I think the abilities are done well and I loved seeing new psychic abilities and how they worked. That is probably my favorite aspect of this book.
The story over all was good and interesting. Starting out as a murder mystery and quickly turning into a conspiracy. The story's direction was a bit predictable and the conspiracy was done well but not great. The predictability was mostly on seeing incoming tropes. Like a handsome young man comes into the picture, of course an instant connection is going to form. I will say there is no insta-love, but the characters liking one another did happen quickly. I enjoyed it though.
The characters were good but I felt they lacked something. More depth. They all have great personalities and have their own voices but it felt like we never really got to know them. Anna the main character was really good. She's strong and never stops fighting. I also enjoyed the fact that she has an actually friendship with a guy. She does see him more as a brother but still its nice to see. Molly was great too. She was also strong and very smart. You get to know Molly and Anna but I still feel that there is a lot more to learn of Anna. More about her past and her friendships with Deo and Kelsey.
The writing was also pretty good. It reads very well and is easy to follow and imagine whats going on. The pacing and reveals were just right. There were a few times when sentences felt like they jumped, like Deo asking for a sandwich and finishing it as someone walks through the door all in the same sentence. Maybe its just me but it did bother me a little bit. The ending was good too. I appreciate endings that don't always end in cliffhangers.
Over all I liked this book and will continue one with this series. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in reading it. Definitely worth a read.