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A review by tarmiriel
Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews


So I've been waiting for months for this and it was awesome! I love the new landscape of Atlanta, I really love watching Julie interact with everything from her past, and I found Moloch a compelling new villian.

My only issue here was that honestly the book didn't feel long enough (and I'm not just saying that because I love Ilona Andrews and always want to read more). I think for as much as was going on with reintroducing characters and catching up on 8 years worth of developments, I needed to spend a little more time uncovering the plot and giving Julie a chance to feel her way around. With as quickly as things were moving the plot felt a little rushed particularly towards the end of the book. This isn't exactly surprising considering this was first just supposed to be a scene, then a serial, then a novel, and is now an entire new series. That's a lot to conceptualize, write, and publish in a a few short months, and I'm hopeful that the next book in the series will not only give me the thrill of returning to Atlanta and all these characters I love, but also get to travel a little more sedately to it's climax.

Overall though, I'm just thankful that House Andrews blessed the Book Devouring Horde with a new release during the insantiy that has been the past year. Reading this was a breath of fresh air and I look forward to so much more!