A review by amberisalwaysreading86
The Choice by Ashley Jade


Memphis and Skyler may not have been the most prominent couple when diving into the world of Sharp Objects, in The Words,
however, their relationship was just as intriguing as that of Lennon and Phoenix. Given their interactions were stilted at best, and sometimes relegated to a grunt, or simply a significant look, Memphis and Sky sparked my curiosity immediately.

In The Choice, we are given a closer look at their past,and gain much needed perspective into their dynamic, and shared history as individuals,and coupled with the joint problem that is: Josh.

I found the exposition of the first 60% of this book to be a bit frustrating. I know we needed to understand their issues and connections which occurred prior to the events of The Words, but it was more extensive and went on longer than necessary,in my opinion.

The last 20% of the story was eventful,to say the least. I feel so terrible for Memphis,and it is much clearer to me why he tends to be so emotionless,and removed from any feelings of sensitivity and tenderness. The only instances in which he allows himself to be vulnerable,he is almost immediately burned. His is truly a compelling character,and I am desperate to know how his story ends.

Skyler is a much more complicated character for me. I vacillate between wanting to grab the girl up in my arms and hug her, and throwing her against the wall to try to knock some sense into her.
We may understand why she makes some of the decisions she does, but her actions affect so many people other than herself, that it's very frustrating to see a female main character who allows herself to be manipulated so easily, and on such a regular basis. One can understand her loneliness and need for physical intimacy,and emotional connection.Josh takes full advantage of her codependency and easily abuses her trust,her mind,and body. It’s heartbreaking.
I hope to see her throw off the shackles of the predators who have been so prevalent in her life thus far, and step into a life of freedom and healthy relationships in the follow-up, The Consequence. The angst and heavy-hitting of emotional damage is sure to come. Bring it on.

I was graciously granted an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Merged review:

Memphis and Skyler may not have been the most prominent couple when diving into the world of Sharp Objects, in The Words,
however, their relationship was just as intriguing as that of Lennon and Phoenix. Given their interactions were stilted at best, and sometimes relegated to a grunt, or simply a significant look, Memphis and Sky sparked my curiosity immediately.

In The Choice, we are given a closer look at their past,and gain much needed perspective into their dynamic, and shared history as individuals,and coupled with the joint problem that is: Josh.

I found the exposition of the first 60% of this book to be a bit frustrating. I know we needed to understand their issues and connections which occurred prior to the events of The Words, but it was more extensive and went on longer than necessary,in my opinion.

The last 20% of the story was eventful,to say the least. I feel so terrible for Memphis,and it is much clearer to me why he tends to be so emotionless,and removed from any feelings of sensitivity and tenderness. The only instances in which he allows himself to be vulnerable,he is almost immediately burned. His is truly a compelling character,and I am desperate to know how his story ends.

Skyler is a much more complicated character for me. I vacillate between wanting to grab the girl up in my arms and hug her, and throwing her against the wall to try to knock some sense into her.
We may understand why she makes some of the decisions she does, but her actions affect so many people other than herself, that it's very frustrating to see a female main character who allows herself to be manipulated so easily, and on such a regular basis. One can understand her loneliness and need for physical intimacy,and emotional connection.Josh takes full advantage of her codependency and easily abuses her trust,her mind,and body. It’s heartbreaking.
I hope to see her throw off the shackles of the predators who have been so prevalent in her life thus far, and step into a life of freedom and healthy relationships in the follow-up, The Consequence. The angst and heavy-hitting of emotional damage is sure to come. Bring it on.

I was graciously granted an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
