A review by storytellersbymarlou
Custom Made by Chantal Fernando

Did not finish book.
This book was provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Uuuh yeah nope... The writing was very juvenile, as if a 14 year old was trying to write a smutty romance and failed spectacularly because she has no idea what she's talking about... There's no chemistry between the couple. The other characters are all introduced at the same time which makes it into a giant annoying info dump.

It wasn't clear to me when I requested this on Netgalley that it was the second book in the series, and this clearly can't be read as a standalone because I'm missing vital info. The character intros would have probably felt like less of an infodump if I had read the first book, but that fault is on me not the author. Although I do think the author could've handled the giving info to the reader much better regardless of having read the first book or not.

I DNFed this at 22%, it really wasn't worth my time.