A review by kneely09
This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers by K.J. Ramsey


“This is grace: God joined us on the floor of this earth.

God did not stay far from our pain. He did not judge it from a distance. He did not pity it from the other side of the universe. He became it.

Grace is solidarity instead of scrutiny. This is the power that sustains us when suffering lingers.”

I think what I found most impactful was the author’s push-back against the idea that we can somehow right or pray our way out of pain and suffering; or that if suffering lingers maybe it’s pointing to a weakness in one’s faith. K.J. suggests that encouraging this kind of theology just further alienates the suffering.

I think her book is also a call to communion... to be a part of the grace that sustains the suffering, and a reminder to those who suffer that shame is a liar and that maybe they are not as alone as they may feel. It is a beautiful reminder that each person is seen and known and loved.

I think anyone could learn something or be encouraged or challenged by reading this book. That maybe, as the subtitle suggests, reading it can provide “grace when suffering lingers.”

I received an ARC from the publisher.