A review by garnetofeden
The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry


Anne Perry is one of the best-selling authors in the historical mystery genre, which tends to be one of my favorites. However, I'm wondering if her style is just not for me. On my second time out with Anne Perry, I made sure to start at the beginning of a series considering my own personal inclinations, but even still the story fell more among the "enjoyed but nothing spectacular" part of my rating criteria spectrum.

She tends to explore some interesting themes about how things like women's rights and homosexuality were viewed in the past, and in this book I really appreciated the more realistic take on at least the former. Unfortunately the latter literally only got a single mention in the last couple of pages, and overall I was a little surprised with the abruptness of the ending and lack of wrap-up. Some of the best plot lines and characterizations got lost among the overabundant point-of-views and convoluted story arc.

I think I'll give Anne Perry one more go starting at the beginning of her other longstanding series, but if that doesn't hook me I'll just acknowledge she's not for me.

Rating reviewed 12/26/2022.