A review by bitchie
Try by Ella Frank


3.5 stars, rounded up, simply based on how the author drew me in so well, after turning me so totally off for the first quarter of the book.

I have to admit, my rating really surprises me. It took me forever to really get into this book. In the beginning, I HATED Logan. I hated his cocky attitude, I hated that the author chose to stick an M/F sex scene into the prologue, and I hated that Logan didn't seem to take no for an answer. But once I finally forced myself to sit down and keep reading it, I enjoyed the heck out of it. Logan and Tate were one hot couple, and once they were both in, they were really in.

Word to the wise to M/F authors breaking into M/M for the first time: MOST hardcore M/M readers really don't want to see a graphic sex scene between one of the male leads and a female, especially in the very first chapter (or in this case, the prologue) of the book. I started this book over a year ago, got to that scene, was totally turned off, and put it aside. If we wanted to read graphic M/F scenes, we'd be reading M/F romance, not M/M. Just putting that out there.

Logan was an ass. He was arrogant and cocky and a wise ass, and he made no apologies for who he was. He fucked who he wanted, when he wanted, male, female, he didn't give a shit. One thing he didn't do, was relationships.

Tate is totally straight. Never even considered a man in that way. He's in the middle of a divorce, working a new job as a bartender, when he meets Logan. Logan takes one look at Tate and wants him, and for some reason, Tate wants him back.

There was a lot of waffling back and forth on Tate's part, but that was understandable. I wish we had gotten to know more about these characters outside of the bedroom, the office, or the bar where Tate works. We aren't really told WHY Tate's marriage ended (his wife being a bitch was probably a big part of it), we aren't really told anything about his family life, other than that they would NOT be ok with him being with a guy. We really don't learn anything more about Tate, and only a bit more about Logan. I'm hoping that is remedied in book 2, which, fuck me sideways, I think I'll be starting soon.