A review by rogue_lurker
Escape to Pleasure: Lesbian Travel Erotica by Victoria Villasenor

Not rating this one as there are great stories and not so great ones. If you're looking for some short and steamy reads - you'll likely find something to your taste in this book.

The nice thing about an anthology is you can pick it up and put it down when you have a bit of time and don't necessarily want to start a new book. Escape to Pleasure provides 18 erotica shorts from a number of the authors at Boldstrokes that you can meander through at your leisure. Although these are travel themed - I wouldn't necessarily recommend reading them at the beach.

Fans will likely start with *their* favourite authors offering, but then hopefully flip through and find discover (or re-discover) new authors. There's a wide variety of stories/styles so lots to choose from - vices for everyone!

As with any anthology, there are hits and there are misses ... but if you don't like one of the stories, just turn the page and you can try another.

For me, the strongest of the stories were from Jeannie Levig, Britt Ryder (omigod ... is that really Kris Bryant?!? Wow), Aurora Rey and I also liked the Ali Vali story for the quirky humour.