A review by thebookboy
Eight Ghosts: The English Heritage Book of Ghost Stories by


Some great stories by some very talented writers. As ever with a book of short stories by different authors, some resonated more than others.

My favourites were:

The Bunker by Mark Haddon
Mrs. Charlbury at Eltham by Max Porter
They Flee From Me That Sometime Did Me Seek by Sarah Perry.

All three of these stories have really stuck with me since reading (I even had a horrific Bunker-themed dream so it must have hit the mark!) and as a huge Porter aficionado there was no surprise that his story ranked highly with me too.

I wouldn't say that any of the stories are poor quality. Even the ones I liked less were still written well, and I was impressed that none of them felt predictable or cliche.

What elevated this collection to a 4 star read for me was undoubtedly the afterword and collection of true ghost sightings at various English Heritage properties across the country. This section inspired me to add a number of new properties to my "must visit" list, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some hauntings of my own!