A review by creolelitbelle
Stormrise by Jillian Boehme


During the first third of this book, I felt the story was mildly predictable, drawing way too close to Disney’s Mulan with some scenes very alike. By the second third of the book and on through, the book got exciting. The dragons added a much needed little oomph to the plot and made Rain’s story her own. I turned page after page as quickly as I could read them, once the adventure pushed onward. The ending felt satisfactory as I approached it, but when the curtain fell, everything was actually perfect. This book could be one to feel dismissive of in the beginning, but I’m glad I kept with it. Things picked up wonderfully. My only true issue with the book is how much description the writing lacked. As a fantasy story that felt a bit medieval, more descriptions of locations and characters could have only added to the book.