A review by thatonenerdygirl
Hockey Karma by Andres J. Mossa, Howard Shapiro


Source: Netgalley (in exchange for an honest review)

This book takes place a few years after the end of Hokey Saint.

The story is simple but interesting, sort of like the first book.

It mentions important topics as well: homelessness, feminism, death of loved ones, etc.

There are moments in which they talk about things that happened in the first novel of the trilogy, something that didn’t really happen in Hockey Saint. The fact that they mention Jacoby was, at the very least, nostalgia-inducing, it felt as if I had read Stereotypical Freaks years ago instead of a few hours prior.

The characters in this novel were the same as Hockey Saint’s, which means they weren’t that great.

The art seemed a little bit more detailed, which is a great thing.

This book featured, just like the others, ‘Recommended Listenings’, a detail that I have grown to love.

I still think the first book was the best of the trilogy, but that doesn’t mean that this one is bad.

Rating: 3.5 stars